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Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Charcoal
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Roc's premium inflatable paddle board is made of the highest quality military grade material. We provide the most durable lightweight boards on the market using the same materials as boards costing twice as much. All boards come complete with everything you need to get out and enjoy the water right away


Portable and Easy to Carry
Made with cutting edge materials technology, our boards are the perfect balance between portability and durability
Convenience Redefine
Big enough for the ocean but small enough for a hatchback. Discover the unparalled performance and simplicity of our inflatable boards.
Made for You
Each of our boards is constructed with ease and fun in mind. Whether this is your first ride or you’re a paddle pro, we’ve got a board that you’ll love.
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Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Charcoal

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