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Ultima Cosa Coffee Machine Presto Bollente Quindici Espresso Machine - Stainless Steel
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We all know that the perfect morning starts with a great cup of coffee, which is why the Ultima Cosa Presto Bollente Quindici Espresso Maker comes with all the features you need to get your morning started. Its 15-bar Italian pump pressure delivers barista-quality results, extracting the precise coffee flavor without any bitter aftertaste. Adjustable manual settings give you precision control, ensuring your coffee is tailored to your palate, while the steam wand produces perfectly frothy milk for cappuccinos and lattes.

15 Bar Professional Brewing
15-Bar Italian pump delivers the right amount of pressure for maximum flavor extraction and produces a beautiful layer of crema for your espresso.
Digital Touchscreen
Touch screen with programmed one cup, two cups manual and steam function.
Powerful Steam Wand
Ensure that there is a stable steam pressure when frothing milk, easily make your favorite cappuccino, latte and macchiato.
Espresso Scoop With Die Casting
Porta filter holds more grounds and ensures even water dispersion and extraction for robust flavor.
Choose Your Shot
Single or double espresso.
NTC Precise Temperature
Accurate and stable temperature for the perfect brew.

Color: Stainless Steel
Voltage: 120V 60Hz
Power: 1100W
Capacity: 1.5L Water Tank

Product Weight: 8.15 lbs / 3.7 Kg
Product Size: 14.65" x 8.86" x 12.01" / 37.2 x 22.5 x 30.5 cm

1 x Main Unit
1 x Portafilter
1 x Espresso Scoop
2 x Brewing Cups
1 x Quick Start Guide
1 x Barista Book
1 x User Manual
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Ultima Cosa Coffee Machine Presto Bollente Quindici Espresso Machine - Stainless Steel

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