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EluneVision 100' Reference Studio 4K AudioWeave Fixed-Frame Screen
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Our specially engineered woven screen material allows content to be projected with near perfect pixel accuracy. This means you’ll enjoy bright and clear images, with better contrasts and more vivid colors, without losing out on sound quality. The microscopic holes in AudioWeave screen material allow for less than 2% light loss which is compensated for by using a higher gain material.The reason competing accousticly transparent screens don’t perform as well as Elunevision AudioWeave is because the perforations are way too large and much too few in number.


The wide frames wrapped in high-density black velour were specially
engineered to absorb any excess light, wherever it might come from.
By making this stray light invisible, contrast and brightness are visibly
heightened, making your content appear neat and sharp. With the fixed
frame series, any overscan from your projector will be immediately
absorbed by our Studio-grade black frames.
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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EluneVision 100' Reference Studio 4K AudioWeave Fixed-Frame Screen

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