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AIRCAT Inflatable Catamaran. 2.85m with DWF Air Deck
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Featuring ultra-stable tunnel hull and generous deck space, this inflatable catamaran is impressive with its outstanding capacity and the ability to brave winds and waves while being high-speed. And what if you fancy a take-away camping with your family? Then just carry the full gear and enjoy the trip. Available in 2.85m and 3.35m in length, both at 1.6m in width, AIRCAT is an ideal water safety craft and a touring boat. The unique open bow design is the favorite for fishing and diving lovers, offering a spacious standing or resting platform. Constructed of Aqua Marina’s signature High Frequency Welding Technology for tube chambers, combining Drop Stitch Light Technology app

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AIRCAT Inflatable Catamaran. 2.85m with DWF Air Deck

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