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Roland GO:PIANO Education Bundle
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Play and Learn with Unlimited Online Songs and Lessons Streamed from Your Smartphone Starting out on piano can feel overwhelming. But Roland’s GO:PIANO works alongside your smartphone to offer a simple and compact learning solution. When you wirelessly connect to a smartphone using Bluetooth®, you can enjoy unlimited free online content that makes learning faster and more fun, including online piano lessons, karaoke, and tutorial videos for your favorite songs.


Onboard high-quality Bluetooth speakers for wireless smartphone connection
Compact and lightweight for playing and storing anywhere
Fully wireless operation with battery power and Bluetooth connectivity
Premium piano performance in a compact and affordable instrument
61-note keyboard with standard full-size keys and expressive touch response
Bluetooth MIDI support for advanced music lessons with your smartphone or tablet
Metronome, transpose, and recording features support daily practice
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Roland GO:PIANO Education Bundle

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